The Sprightly Observer

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Any method of transport will do

I went to the gardens in Sevilla where the Plaza De España is and wandered around for a little. The gardens are massive, and the trees are so tall and thick they form a shade canopy which creates welcome relief from the heat.

But apart from the prettiness of the park and the 'blow you away' impressiveness of the architecture of the Plaza, what I kept noticing was the various forms of transport people were using to get around the park pathways.

Not exaggerating, but while there I'm certain I saw at least: bike, trike, four wheel thingy, horse, horse & carriage, scooter (motor), scooter (not motor), rollerblades, roller skates, some three wheel scooter thing I'm not even sure what it was, donkey & carriage (yes, weird I know), miniature horse & carriage (also weird), boats and dare I say it.... people walking.

I love the pic above, it is so serene. It's like the park was so peaceful that the guy felt he had to get off his bike to slow the pace down & take advantage of the tranquil surrounds. Loved this place - was very nice way to spend the afternoon sipping Tinto de Verano's and reading a book under the shade of a nice big tree.