The Sprightly Observer

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Letting loose in Lima

I finally found the mental strength to haul my sorry self away from Rio de Janeiro and into Lima, Peru. Not sure what I was expecting, but not quite this. Lima is surprisingly urban, but with this small town feel. And everyone is a flag bearer. Literally, you can't scan the street without getting slapped in the face by a Peruvian flag or two.

This guy rode past me and totally represents what I see when I think of Lima. A bit cool, a lot proud, a smidge cheesy, a little sleazy and a bit vintage. Makes for an interesting mix, don't you think?

They're big on surfing in Lima. Got hit on by this smoked out surfer 'dude' who told me he was going to show me how to surf. Apparently there are great waves in Lima. Check out the pic below. Hmmm... did I mention I live on Bondi Beach? Yep, think his definition of big surf and mine might be two different things. But at least he was creative. The Peruvians are definitely not shy - beeping the horn at a passing lady pedestrian isn't an unusual occurrence. In fact, it's the norm.

All jokes aside, the Peruvians in Lima are proud of their gastronomy. And after sampling the local fare over and over and over again (what? someone has to take it for the team!) I can totally back them. Oh Em Gee. Ceviche de Corvina nearly broke me. So good I'm actually hallucinating as I write this.