The Sprightly Observer

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Hook, line & sinker

I have absolutely fallen in love with Sevilla. It is impossible for another city on earth to trump this one (and I've been to quite a few so I have some fairly sound benchmarks).

Like I mean, everywhere you look there is something ridiculously gorgeous! From food, to architecture to fashion (yeah, unexpected right?) to people you can't help but be gobsmacked.

I got here a little late, so could only take some pics as the sun was going down (it was 43 degrees when I got here at 4.30 so I spent the first 2hrs here by the pool). Yeah, it gets hot. Very hot. But all the other stuff around here more than makes up for the slight inconvenience of blistering heat with no escape.

How cute is the little old man sitting outside on his chair, watching his shop (which didn't have aircon, so outside was a cooler option)?!

More to come later!