The Sprightly Observer

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When the lights go out...

It's pretty nice to get out an about when the sun starts to go down. The crazies come out - and yes, I'm one of them. Remember to click 'read more' to get the rest of the entry :)

Basically, put a fast talking spaniard next to a bunch of ladies out for a birthday celebration in the middle of the boho/artsy part of Santiago and you get a whole lot of hands flying (mine and theirs), drinks flowing (daiquiris) and a whole lot of wild ideas. Yep, I crashed their birthday party - but they didn't seem to care. Or maybe in my obnoxious state i didn't seem to NOTICE if they cared...

Nah, in all seriousness, it was great to meet lots of really fun and open people in Santiago. It's such a relaxed city with an amazing vibe. There's a university on every corner and a real sense of cool (and surprisingly) sophistication. Will definitely have to come back to Chile at some point. I can see that this is only the tip of the iceberg.