The Sprightly Observer

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All the world's a stage, but this stage is the freakiest

This post isn't for the faint hearted! These pics are real, no photoshop I promise. I don't know how this happened, but somehow I ended up wandering into a real live freak show the other week. I met a guy who's entire body was covered in piercings and a man who's face was covered in fur. Freaky, sure. But that's not the half of it.
The ghostly looking dude you see in these pics was unfazed by pain, so thought it would be a good idea to drill himself through the nose. To make things even more interesting, he took the drill bit out and replaced it with a meat hook. Kindly, he offered to pose for me so I could get some up close pics of his skill.

The girl in the pics claims she was hit by lightning a few years  back and she didn't get hurt. This led to her discovering a tolerance for electrocution, so now she does it for an audience. I saw the electric charge jump from her finger to a stick covered in kerosine - and the spark from her finger lit up those two batons like a firework show. Oh, and her joints have become rubberised from all that high voltage  so now she can twist her arms around 360 degrees and use it as a party trick. Incredible.