Carnival Craziness by Kylie Fuentes

I can't believe my luck! Today I ventured over to the Notting Hill Carnival. Wow, what an amazing party. It's like a flashmob, with an Afro-Caribbean twist. Street dancing rocks. We need one of these in Sydney. Now.

The vibe was incredible, these people really know how to let their hair down and have a good time. The crowd were awesome, so full of energy. I actually walked around the whole afternoon with a massive grin on my face, looking like a maniac. I don't know if this then caused people to think I was smiling at them or what, but I met loads of cool people all in the mood to party! I had a great time chatting & dancing with these people in middle of the crazy festivities. 

I managed to get some great captures, a lot of the lovely folk in the parade actually wanted me to take their pic so they posed without me even asking. Like these gorgeous creatures!

Getting around London in a pair of trusty ballet flats by Kylie Fuentes

Righto! The travel adventures have begun.

So far, I've been here for about 36 hours and have already worn through the soles of my Chanel flats - I'm not kidding... 

The first day and a half has been ridiculously fun. After landing in the late afternoon, I took up the challenge to join a friend for dinner & drinks in an attempt to skip the jet lag. I'm actually kind of impressed with how much stamina I had - a good fish pie and a couple of ciders later & I was up for anything. Well, at least I was till 11.30pm when I crashed. Still, not a bad effort even if I do say so myself.

One thing I've learnt in my short time in the UK is that my excellent skill of having the uncanny ability to attract weirdos has followed me to the Northern Hemmisphere. Yep, the weirdos still love me. Today I have had not one, not two, but THREE randoms feel the burning need to have a chat. God knows what they were saying, I don't even know if they were speaking in English or some other language. But it did make for a fun afternoon!

So, today I spent the day walking around the main tourist hot spots. I have to say, I forgot how beautiful London is. The architecture is amazing, but what I really love is that overall, it seems like they go to painstaking efforts to make the streets look gorgeous. I mean, even the publicans put flower pots up around their pubs! I found this gorgeous one in the West End today which took my breath away a bit. I've included a couple of pics of the traditional London sights - I know it's a bit cliche, but I'll get the tourist thing out of the way and then we can get on with the unique stuff!