Where you'd rather be by Kylie Fuentes

I spied lots of gorgeous Parisian creatures today. They were out in force trying to escape the heat.

Turns out it's quite hard to take candid photos of randoms without them thinking you're a weird stalker type. So, I struggled a bit to get some great shots today, but I did get a couple that capture the spirit of the last days of summer.

The girls on the green chairs were my favourite, they were just chillaxing by the massive pond thingy, sipping on some sparkling water & bathing in the sun. It was like a waterhole with buffalo in the Savannah - the locals were mobbing this fountain I tell you!

Later on I found a couple of super young love birds making out by the fountain too, They were too cute!
And last but not least, I spotted (he he he) a girl with a cool polka dot blouse that caught my eye. And of course, she was immediately joined by her other half, who wasn't to shabby looking either.

Art Masterclass by Kylie Fuentes

When in Rome... oh, wait - I'm not in Rome. But you'd forgive me for making that mistake! 

I lost myself in the Louvre today. It is spectacular in every way, not just the art that is housed within it, but also the history of the building, the architecture and the setting it resides in.

I took about a thousand photos (my mum loves art & I thought I'd best bring back some mementos), but for me the absolute stand outs were the sculptural pieces. The level of detail and craftsmanship is breathtaking, especially when you consider they did it all by hand. Those crazy greeks & romans - very skilled!

I really have to say, that while I saw some jaw dropping paintings, overall I think I've come to the conclusion that DaVinci is not for me. That man was very heavy handed with the black paint. All his works are so freakin dark and frankly (in my very art uneducated opinion) boring. 

Some of the highlights are below for your viewing pleasure.