Market Finds by Kylie Fuentes

After finishing up at the Wine Bar this afternoon, I headed back to my part of town to get ready for... wait for it.... more food and wine!

But before I went to my hotel, I decided to walk in the other direction to get a bottle of water from the supermarket. But I took a different turn and discovered this whole new world of awesome backstreets with crazy small bars, eclectic restaurants, super funky looking brasseries and even better, this random pop up market with all sorts of treasures!

I knew that all the hip & happening Parisians have been moving to the eastern districts, but up till now I'd seen them in the streets but couldn't work out where they were shopping and where they were eating/drinking. Well, today I found out!

So I'll head back over that side of the street for dinner tonight, and try and pretend I know something about being hip & happening (pretty sure you don't use that expression for a start!)

But I did manage to take a couple of sneaky pics of the very eclectic stuff in this market pop up. Some stuff was garbage but a lot of it was quite cool and even more of it was just down right strange. Here's a flavour of what I saw.

A few of my favourite things by Kylie Fuentes

So far the stint in France has been really fun. Today was pretty much the highlight so far, and it didn't involve any of the tourist traps.

At the last minute I booked myself into this tiny little Wine & Cheese appreciation course. It rocked. The servings were generous, the sommelier was hilarious and the group I did it with were great company. It also didn't hurt that the wine and cheese were to die for. For good measure, they even gave us some jamon (yep, they stole it from the spaniards) and I literally was in heaven for the better part of 3 hours.

So I stumbled out of there around the streets (the heavy consumption of wine had gotten to my head a bit), and started to think about all the cool things I've seen so far. 

My highlights are the kind of unexpected bits, and so I thought i'd try and capture them here:

  • The super cute old couples I keep seeing everywhere. The couple in the pic were gorgeous!
  • Liptonic. This was my brother & my favourite drink when we were growing up, and you can't get it in Aus. I have been guzzling it down any chance I can get.
  • Random dancing in the street. It's everywhere & in all forms. Pics below are of a couple where doing the tango or something (I'm not with the ballroom technicalities) & then there's some buskers doing some hardcore acrobatic rap/street dance thingy. They were spectacular actually.
  • Random pretty little things that just pop out of nowhere. Maybe it's because I'm on holidays so have time to stop and notice them more, but they are literally jumping out at me from every corner. Below were a stash of flower petals on a table in spilling out of some backstreet store front. Adorbs.