Walking around in man shoes by Kylie Fuentes

Santiago is sprawling and that means you need a decent pair of shoes to get around and see the sights. I'm not joking when I say that each corner of this place feels like a completely different city. There are some parts that a really formal, historic and regal. Other's you'd confuse with a wild night in Rio (I can say that now cause I'm here!), others which are full of ridiculous take your breath away natural beauty and then there's the really 'rugged' hoods where I felt like my camera was a huge beacon yelling 'tourist - mug me!)

Lucky for us we bought some trusty butch man woman shoes before we left Sydney. Never thought I'd come to appreciate those hideous yeti style footwear but they've been worth their weight in gold.

Oh, and can I just get you to hold your breath with me while you look at that skyline of the Andes again? And yes, that snow is as incredible as it looks... :)

When the lights go out... by Kylie Fuentes

It's pretty nice to get out an about when the sun starts to go down. The crazies come out - and yes, I'm one of them. Remember to click 'read more' to get the rest of the entry :)

Basically, put a fast talking spaniard next to a bunch of ladies out for a birthday celebration in the middle of the boho/artsy part of Santiago and you get a whole lot of hands flying (mine and theirs), drinks flowing (daiquiris) and a whole lot of wild ideas. Yep, I crashed their birthday party - but they didn't seem to care. Or maybe in my obnoxious state i didn't seem to NOTICE if they cared...

Nah, in all seriousness, it was great to meet lots of really fun and open people in Santiago. It's such a relaxed city with an amazing vibe. There's a university on every corner and a real sense of cool (and surprisingly) sophistication. Will definitely have to come back to Chile at some point. I can see that this is only the tip of the iceberg.