Hipsters & Rastas? Not just your average pre-school by Kylie Fuentes

Even in Tanzania, these matt blue RayBan Wayfarers are a hit. A few times I really struggled to get them back, once the likes of Derik or Athumani got them in their hot little hands. But who can blame them, they look sooo damned good on their too-cute faces. In fact, Derik rolls like a bad ass hipster & can work those sunnies better than me, any day! I wanted to show you the other side of HillCrest.  It might see like it's full of sad stories; but that'd be a total injustice to this place. 

The kids come to school and have a blast. Running around in the playground playing hopscotch (I taught them that, even though I couldn't remember how to play myself). They also play football; which is interesting when you're running around the dirt field in Havaianas. Or (my personal favourite), is the dance-off. Imagine 50 kids all doing their best hip-wiggling, booty shaking dance comp in a huge circle. "shake your body, body, body" they all sing - and get down with it, busting moves smoother than Chris Brown. Oh, and the embarrassment when they see their muzungu teacher (read; me) trying to dance along & resort to step by step instructions, all the while laughing at my shocking moves... TOO MUCH FUN.

And don't even get me started on Njayo. The Rihanna-like beauty with the Rasta 'tude & the dreaddies to match. Plus, you need a woven Jamaican style beanie too. She was the koolest kat in the school, and my best bud.

Here's to the starving kids in Africa by Kylie Fuentes

Meet Junior. He is a little dude that really leaves an impression. This kid eats like a machine, devouring bowl, after bowl, after bowl. And rightly so. He's grown up (in all of his 5 yrs) with the uncertainty of not knowing if & when your next meal is coming. It's kind of frightful watching him eat - it's like he's gonna make himself sick. I have to say, it's a memory I will take with me forever. 
But, thanks to some awesome people like Isaac, Elisabeth and dedicated volunteers like Judi from Wyoming, these kids are now getting food everyday at school. 

The crazy thing for me was to witness what happens when you take a starving child & give it some food consistently for a few days. I had no idea that the transformation could be so remarkable. Ombeni (the little boy in the last two pics) was seriously underweight & had trouble keeping his eyes open. But after some good feeding (and a few kind words), he became the smartest kid in the class. He also had so much energy, that every day after school he'd see me leave the school gates & run for a massive jump hug. Most incredible feeling ever. 

The other thing that happens is that their personalties come out. When someone's not worried about food anymore, I guess they can focus on the fun stuff. Some little ones (like Gracious - the kid in the pic below with the yellow backpack) are mental as anything. Like I mean, TROUBLE with caps. Junior also got to be a bit of a Mr Man at school - let's just say he didn't take crap from anyone!

It's been a while since my last post about the kids in Tanzania & I thought it was time to dedicate one to these guys. So, here's to the (now thankfully, not-so) starving kids of HillCrest.