The Sprightly Observer

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A gypsy life

Flamenco & Sevillanas bring me flashbacks to being a kid going to the ferias in Jaén dressed head to toe in my gypsy gear (it was red & white).

I loved that dress, it made me feel like a million dollars. I even remember the red plastic earrings & red & white combs I wore in my hair. I looked the the part, too bad my dancing skills were comparable to a kangaroo. Oh well, can't win them all hey?

So I managed to grab (illegal - I'm always breaking the rules with my camera!) some pics at the flamenco show I went to. It was in this intimate little bar in el Barrio de Santa Cruz, which is basically a section of Sevilla with really tight little cobblestone streets & cool bars, shops, restaurants hidden away in the back. It is one of the highlights.

Anyway, the dancers were spectacular, but the fat guy at the back who looks alarmingly like Jabba the hut was my personal favourite. He was one of the singers, and he was a standout. He was singing with so much passion (and volume) that the whole room was looking at him! I had a quick chat to him after the show too, he was such a nice man.

Oh, and in case flamenco wasn't enough to give you a culture rush, I also found a shop for horse riding wear. Yeah, in Sevilla, you ride a horse dressed like that! They take their formal dressing quite seriously here. Everyone is dressed to the nines,  all of the time. Puts the pressure on,  guess I'll be putting that denim mini skirt away for another day...