It's all in the familia / by Kylie Fuentes

I had to do some of the tourist traps here in Barcelona, and where else to join the thousands of sightseers than at Atoni Gaudî's unfinished Basilica, Sagrada Familia.

I took the trip up the tower and got to see a spectacular view of the city, including what used to be the coolest amusement park in town, Tibidabo (now replaced with much, much cooler resort style amusement park right next to my home town in Salou called Port Aventura!)

I must say, the bizarre architecture of this place is a photographers' dream, just a shame I didn't pack my other lenses (I'm way too obsessed with this new 50mm prime - I don't even pack any others...).

I have to say, the line to get into this place was out of this world. The queue literally went around the block! Lucky for me they were moving it pretty fast, and I managed to sweet talk my way into an accelerated admission :) It pays to make friends with the people who are managing admissions.

Getting up the tower was a breeze - there's a lift. But getting down, you use this death defying tiny spiral staircase - with a freaking hole in the middle that goes all the way to the bottom. People were VERY scared coming down; I had to overtake a few petrified old ladies!