A little bit of culture / by Kylie Fuentes

These two guys were fantastic. They were standing there, by the water for a good 1/2 hr, having the most intense conversation ever.

I was too far away to hear exactly what they were talking about (I think the old man was telling the younger man that he should get married and the younger one was saying no), but it was irrelevant.

These two were speaking with so much passion, that for people who aren't familiar with the crazy spanish way of speaking, you'd be forgiven for thinking they were arguing. But not only were they passionate, they were speaking more with their body then they were with their mouths. Hands were flying everywhere and it just put so much more meaning into everything.

Sweet. I'm with people who use their whole body to have a conversation too. And they speak as loudly and as fast as me too!!! Guess what peeps; there's a whole country of them. 57million or so. And they sing in the street. Sound familiar? :)

So apart from people who talk extremely fast, super loudly, with hands all over the shop & with loads of passion, there are some other things that Tarragona showed me today that captured my attention.

PS: looking back on my photos, I think I have a thing for taking photos of cute old people....

PPS: For those wondering, the flag with the straight stripes is the Catalunya flag, the one with the wavy stripes is the Tarragona city flag