Watching the world go by / by Kylie Fuentes

One of the things I love about the Spain is that everyone is on the streets socialising, always. Even the grandparents get out to mingle... in fact, they're the ones who usually lead the charge.

In Salou the oldies were out in force just sitting down on the waterfront watching the passersby & having a good old chat. You can't really see it here, but they all get dressed up in their best outfits too, especially the women - I mean jewellery & hair done and all!

There was literally hundreds of couples and small groups of cute old people sitting on benches the whole way down the strip. But they were so skeptical of this chick with the big freakin camera, that they were eyeing me off the whole time... As a result, my pics are few & far between. I wouldn't want to mess with a granny!