Welcome to SantiARTgo / by Kylie Fuentes

The first chapter of the next crazy adventure begins. I've been in Santiago Chile for all of five minutes and already can't get enough...

The city is sprawling and full of really different mini villages within. From super chilled neighbourhoods where everyone looks fab, dines in the finest style & the streets are filled with exotic art installations to rustic boho hoods where everyone smokes and drinks like there is no tomorrow.

But I've learnt there are a few things the hoods of Santiago have in common. The people are friendly, relaxed and in love with music and food. So far, we've been so lucky to stumble across the most amazing local venues. Not an english speaker in sight (except my trusty travel companion) and everyone has welcomed us in without blinking an eyelid.

The first night we arrived we were tipsily strolling back to our hotel in the small hours of the morning when we heard the unmistakable sound of people having way too much fun and music blaring through the walls. After a chat to the doorman and a peek through a dark doorway, we entered the COOLEST underground nightspot ever. The drinks were dirty (mojitos), the air was smoky (we were kind of choking) and the music was loud (Chilean style Karaoke). Everyone was getting so into it, you couldn't help but join the fun. So yes... I did a rendition of La Isla Bonita on stage and the Chileans didn't even boo me off :)

The other thing about Santiago is that they like their street art. Did I mention that already?