Victory at last: made it to Machu Picchu! / by Kylie Fuentes

I knew that I should prepare myself for one of the most spectacular sights my eyeballs had the pleasure of taking in, and I tried. But my brain couldn't conjure up anything quite as impressive as what the real world has to offer when you finally take the first peek of Machu Picchu.

It's the most impressive finale to four days of intense walking, that as soon as you get into the area, you forget the fact that you are covered in dirt, haven't showered, have a broken body & look like a homeless person. I don't know how or why, but you get a second whim of energy in this place. I've been lucky enough to see a few of the wonders of the world, but there's something unique about Machu Picchu. I guess it's the fact that it is so much hard work to get there, that the anticipation has been building for days, that it seems like a mirage in the jungle, that the natural landscape that surrounds it is breathtaking, that it is a relatively new discovery & nobody really knows what it was and the fact that it is pretty much in perfect condition... enough reasons????!!!

Let me tell you, these photos don't even remotely do it justice...