The Sprightly Observer

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Look, it's a Zebra (or more like a thousand)!

I am bit by bit going through my photographs, and the mind blowing task is becoming a little overwhelming. So I've decided, for the sake of my own sanity, to write little posts on tight subjects. So the first one is about Zebra. I like Zebra. Good thing too, those things are like wild rabbits out there. Here's a whole of of photos of Zebra. Hopefully you like Zebra too :)

Get them in a pack and they're like a magic eye picture. Wow you're eyes hurt after a while staring at their patterned backs. Ok, so some facts I learned about Zebra. Firstly, they make the STRANGEST sound. Especially when they're about to get eaten by a lioness. Yeah, I suppose I'd be screaming like a maniac too if a giant simba was coming after me, but still - was weird to hear it first hand.
Zebra's prints are also like their fingerprints. No two animal have the same stripes. True that. Also, females are more brown, males are more black. Finally, a Zebra is a white animal with black/brown stripes - not the other way around. Our guide said it, so it must be true. 
Clearly, I'm now an expert in Zebra. Are you jealous? ;)