Animal Kingdom

The Winter Is Coming & I like it by Kylie Fuentes

It's been nearly a year I think, since I last posted that is. I'm not sure exactly why I took such an extended hiatus... but today something sparked and I re-connected with my love of photography with a vengeance. From today on, I'm shooting on a brand new baby, a shiny Canon 5D Mark III. But, before I pass the baton, I wanted to post some of these pics I took a little while ago but didn't get round to getting off the memory card. 

When my beautiful sister was in town a couple of months ago, we took the day to do a road trip up a bit north of San Francisco to Point Reyes.

Even though it was technically summer here in California, those who know San Francisco know that means nothing when it comes to sun and warmth. In fact, those summer days are more like the fall for everyone else. And now that we are truly into our Indian Summer here in SF, I can at least look back on these pics to imagine how others around the northern hemisphere must be feeling!

One of my favorite things about SF is that you can jump in a car and an hour later you have TOTAL change of scenery. This region in Marin County is just stunning. And the place feels like the sleepy countryside, even if the hustle and bustle of the greatest tech city on earth is just around the corner.

Needless to say, Daisy the cow down there was perplexed by all the paparazzi like attention she was getting from me!

Oh, and don't you just love how Karl the Fog wraps his arms around the hillside like a big snuggly hug? 

Tanzanian countryside is a welcome assault on the eyeballs by Kylie Fuentes

I'm not going to do this justice at all. Landscape photography isn't something I ever quite got the grasp of. However, it didn't seem right that I didn't at least TRY an acknowledge the ridiculousness of what my eyes had the pleasure of taking in when I was in Tanzania. 
I remember this place as being a sensory overload. There's the openness & the vastness of the plains, the dwarfing scale of everything you see, the vibrant orange haze of the sun reflecting on the grasslands, the brightness of the sun and the stark contrast of the brilliant green hues from the ancient trees. Add to that a flicker of bright red from the Maasai robes you see on some rogue traveller walking through the hot dirt, and maybe you'll start to get a sense of what your eyes are taking in. Don't even get me started on what is going on once you start to add sound & smell into the mix. Primal. That's about all you can say.