Coño, what am I doing? by Kylie Fuentes

Not the most graceful start to a post, I know, but still; it captures everything about today.

I have been pretty much walking around in a daze since I got here late last night, after a long TGV ride from Paris & a confronting walk down memory lane. Its funny how the brain works; things I've completely forgotten about are just rushing back to me triggered by the most stupid little things.

I can tell you, it makes for a very exhausting (but out of this world exciting) trip though. I will be heading off in direction A, only to get reminded about something nearby in direction B, then I get sidetracked all together and go to direction C. Only to then have to go and backtrack to A & B so I don't miss what I was wanting to see.

Most of the stuff I've been wearing the soles on my shoes thin for won't be of interest to anyone but my family, so I'll spare you all the boring overload of memory lane happy snaps & instead give you some of the little snippets of Barcelona in its glory.

I loved the flower shop in La Rambla (too cute), but the Plaça de Sant Jaume and the surrounding streets rock. Especially love the FCB flag from someone's balcony. Never waste a moment to show your die hard fan status!!!

And for those that were wondering, yes we Spaniards have our own Arc de Triomf. That's it below. Not quite as impressive as the one on the Champs-Elysees, but hey, we have the Mediterranean sea...

One for the car buffs by Kylie Fuentes

Does my bum look big in this?

In my humble opinion, this has to be one of the ugliest sports cars ever built. While walking around Paris (yes, that is my primary method of transport these days) I discovered a Renault showroom. They had this (and a small, very weird looking one seater car) on display.

It is apparently their latest venture into electric vehicles. I applaud the effort, but they really need to do something about that rear end!

For those interested in the Renault Dezir, I've also posted a pic of the performance specs.