The end of an era by Kylie Fuentes

2012 will mark the end of an era in Barcelona. The infamous tradition of bullfighting will no longer be allowed to take place anywhere in Catalunya. The Plaza de Toros will be turned into a theatre & circus venue.

So I took the opportunity while I could, to go and check out the grounds up close and see the history of the tradition in the city. Whether you agree with bullfighting or not, the actual location & the museum (if you could call it that) are an incredible spectacle.

I was chatting to the staff at the grounds (who opened the freaking venue 45mins late after their lunch closure!), who were so slow paced & small town like (so loved them!). Yes mum, I did buy you something from the Plaza... and yes it is what you guys wanted...

We never went to any bull fights when I was young, so this was all new for me. It was an awesome experience and I'm glad I got to see the venue before it is transformed into something modern & generic.

Who needs Ibiza? by Kylie Fuentes

The beaches of Barceloneta are still pumping, even though it is now officially autumn. The 36 degree temperature probably helps things along though.

This strip of beach is scattered with an awesome array of bars, restaurants and clubs; most of which spill out onto the sand. So awesome. In two weeks time David Guetta is doing a beach party at one of them. I'm seriously thinking of making my way back early from the south of Spain to join in!

Each week on a Wednesday night, this place is the venue for an international DJ - I guess they stop here on their way to Ibiza. Can you imagine if I lived here?! I'd be seriously in trouble come every Thursday morning when I have to roll into work...

Apart from the night life, the beach is full of actual aquatic action too. Plenty of tanned bodies playing volleyball, windsurfing, beach tennis and of course sun baking. I even spotted a whole group of nudist men (they were yucky and old, and thankfully lying on their stomachs!). Anything goes around here. Oh, and did you spot the English tourist? ;)