Park Life by Kylie Fuentes

Is this too cute for words or what? I hate birds (as you all know) but man do I love squirrels.

I was so hell bent on getting a photo of the squirrels in Central Park that I ended up nearly getting my chips snatched out of my hand by a sneaky little squirrel who climbed up the chair next to me. Was a close call, till I shoved my camera in his face and he ran of scared. That'll teach the little sucker to mess with my lunch!

Apart from chasing squirrels, I also managed to find a little bit of free time to ride a push bike around Central Park. The whole freaking lot of it. That meant we were on our little push bikes all the way through Harlem. Yes, I'm proud of my tough gangster street smarts. Wassup, gee???

Oh, and sorry about the handbag shot. I just thought it looked so cute in the bike basket that I had to take a pic. I'm not being a poser. Promise ;)

Moving Forward by Kylie Fuentes

We visited Ground Zero just one week after the 10 year anniversary ceremony & you could still feel the emotion in the air.

It has been 5 years since I last was at the site of the old WTC buildings and much has changed. Gone are the tarps, the blackened bricks of the buildings adjacent and the barricades into the ground zero site. In its place are open, warm & welcoming gardens with beautiful tributes to the ones that passed.

I have to say, it was one of the most emotional things I've seen. The memorial is lovely, not morbid or depressing in the least. But you can't help but get overwhelmed by the scale of loss & impact on the community as you sit there in the site. Especially when you see people trying to find the name of their loved one on the murals.

Can't wait for the Freedom Tower to stand tall. It is half way done & is looking gorgeous!