Ok, ok... so Lara Bingle was onto something... / by Kylie Fuentes

I really should have listened when she asked 'where the bloody hell are ya?'. It seems I really was missing out on the ridiculousness that is the Great Barrier Reef and far north Queensland.

So to ring out the year that was 2012, a couple of pals & I decided at the last minute to head up north. The only thing I really knew I wanted to do was see parts of Australia I've never seen before, and scuba in the reef.

Only after I booked my flights did it occur to me to do some research. Fail. Everyone I asked told me I was mental - this time of the year was HOT (think 40 degrees), WET (think cyclone) and DANGEROUS (think stinger & croc mating season). Meh, what's a little bit of chaos on a holiday. Character building stuff, I say.

Thankfully, the rain mostly held off, the stingers avoided my skin and I avoided death in the water. Holiday success!