Tanzanian countryside is a welcome assault on the eyeballs / by Kylie Fuentes

I'm not going to do this justice at all. Landscape photography isn't something I ever quite got the grasp of. However, it didn't seem right that I didn't at least TRY an acknowledge the ridiculousness of what my eyes had the pleasure of taking in when I was in Tanzania. 
I remember this place as being a sensory overload. There's the openness & the vastness of the plains, the dwarfing scale of everything you see, the vibrant orange haze of the sun reflecting on the grasslands, the brightness of the sun and the stark contrast of the brilliant green hues from the ancient trees. Add to that a flicker of bright red from the Maasai robes you see on some rogue traveller walking through the hot dirt, and maybe you'll start to get a sense of what your eyes are taking in. Don't even get me started on what is going on once you start to add sound & smell into the mix. Primal. That's about all you can say.