Ok, ok... so Lara Bingle was onto something... by Kylie Fuentes

I really should have listened when she asked 'where the bloody hell are ya?'. It seems I really was missing out on the ridiculousness that is the Great Barrier Reef and far north Queensland.

So to ring out the year that was 2012, a couple of pals & I decided at the last minute to head up north. The only thing I really knew I wanted to do was see parts of Australia I've never seen before, and scuba in the reef.

Only after I booked my flights did it occur to me to do some research. Fail. Everyone I asked told me I was mental - this time of the year was HOT (think 40 degrees), WET (think cyclone) and DANGEROUS (think stinger & croc mating season). Meh, what's a little bit of chaos on a holiday. Character building stuff, I say.

Thankfully, the rain mostly held off, the stingers avoided my skin and I avoided death in the water. Holiday success!

The biggest of weekends by Kylie Fuentes

This weekend is a pretty big one in my local hood. Once a year, seasoned sculptors and up and coming art students give Sydneysiders the pleasure of a breathtaking gallery located on one of the most infamous walks you can find. There's nothing like waking up for an early morning walk along the Bondi to Bronte walk with some incredible creativity.
Kind of feels like the beginning of a new chapter.... Summer, fresh ideas, open mindedness and of course, beaming joy. Which was poetic really. For sure. This a big, unforgettable weekend. And not just because of the Sculptures by the Sea. It is also the weekend that the world lost a little bit of sunshine. Mary Jane Palmer. You were the light and joy in many people's hearts. Bon Voyage.